We encourage you to download your own copy of this RealAudio file. If
this site becomes very popular, it may become too expensive for us to keep
the RealAudio files on line; so, if you are going to listen more than once,
please download.
You can download your files in one of two ways:
- Buy the RealAudio
Plus player: We have enabled the "Selective Record" feature in
our RealAudio files; so, you should be able to make your own copies (let us know if this doesn't
- Configure your browser so it saves ".ra" files to disk and
use one of the following links:
- Plastic Palms & Plastic Music
- Treasured Illusions
- Carnival of Years
- God in a Cup
- Our House is Burnin'
- Missin' You
- Mr. Tequila
- Vincent
- You must understand how to configure the "helpers" in your
browser in order to do this trick. You may need to configure ".ra"
files back to the RealAudio Player in order to play RealAudio files once
you are done downloading.
We also give blanket permission to rehost the eight RealAudio files referenced
above, provided that:
- You reference this website (www.curbside-recording.com/towering) on
the same html page (or pages) where the RealAudio file(s) is(are) referenced.
- You include this notice about rehosting.
- You send us the URL of the web site rehosting the files. E-mail is
adequate for this purpose once we have acknowledged it (we'll add your
URL to our site unless you tell us not to).
- The files are not altered in any way: This permission does not apply
to higher quality sound recordings of the above material or any other sound
recordings Towering Pretzels might do in the future.
- This permission applies only to the above 8 sound files exactly as
created by Towering Pretzels.
Towering Pretzels Home Page
Towering Pretzels Music